

  • Eventus Native Client for Android

    Eventus Native Client for Android

      In the world of mobile devices it is inevitable to think and consider how a software could be used on mobile devices. Besides the possibility to reach Eventus based functionalities via mobile browsers of mobile devices (IE or Opera on WinMo, Chrome on Android, Safari on iPhone) now the native client for Android is also available.       More details will come soon...

  • Fully Automated Dispatching

    Fully Automated Dispatching

    Eventus is able to assign tasks to technicians ordered by priorities based on the given workload in a geographical zone and skills uploading the tasks smoothly. Configuration of timeslots can be configured on Android mobile and thick client as well, which results in the maximum number of assigned and displayed tasks. Technicians are able to take back any tasks, in this case Eventus will not give it back again for the same installator. Eventus is dispatching tasks for Android client only according to the technician’s shift pattern. Overflow feature enables tasks above a pre-defined value of priority to be dispatched immediately from the timeslot’s threshold settings.

  • International Channel Partners Needed

    International Channel Partners Needed

    Eventus already has proven very successful in Central Europe, and now it is about to enter the global market. According to forecasts of the Gartner Group, the workflow market is expected to grow around 15% each year worldwide, and some 25% in Europe. It is the proven market success of professional workflow management systems in the market, together with the ever-increasing demand from our customer that led us to developing and releasing Eventus. Despite the difficulties of the telecom sector, this kind of investment is still among those that telecom companies are willing and able to finance. Many service providers have realised that in order to survive they must optimise their business processes and resources, and for this they need the right tools. With Eventus, Fornax has the product that meets this need. We now seek International Eventus Channel Partners to join us in exploiting these exciting opportunities.

  • Matáv - Fornax Joint Success: IT Solution from Hungary Wins Award

    Matáv - Fornax Joint Success: IT Solution from Hungary Wins Award

    Fornax has been awarded the Silver prize in the international competition for the ‘2003 Global Excellence in Workflow’ Awards, for innovation and excellence in its workflow management IT solution, WFMS, deployed at Matáv, the largest Hungarian telecommunications service provider. The awards, sponsored by the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), Giga Information Group and Workflow and Reengineering International Association (WARIA), the most acknowledged associations in the global workflow industry, were presented yesterday, on 8 April 2003 in New York. Fornax’s workflow system drives all technical business processes at Matáv, internally and toward sub-contractors, managing the daily work of nearly 5,000 employees. The system is based on an integrated view of workflow and workforce management, and it offers advanced features from both areas. It provides full support from high level business process management down to every single detail of task execution. A major advantage of the system is that it has been specifically designed for the telecommunications industry. The system’s special features, such as its interfaces toward other core applications (billing, technical inventories, network management, etc.), mobile extensions for handheld terminals, the unique ’service designer module’ for graphically designing unlimited telecom services, have all contributed to this international success. “Over the years of our cooperation, Fornax and Matáv have worked together in a very professional way. Our working relationship is a very good example of how customer and technology provider can help each other achieve their goals,” said Mr Bulcsú Balásy, CEO of Fornax. Attila Szász, Matáv’s Director Network Management commented: „The process and service requirements designed by Matáv have been considered and implemented with maximum flexibility in solutions proposed by Fornax so that customer and supplier have jointly created an excellent system.” Fornax’s award-winning system is also deployed at Hrvatski Telekom, the Croatian affiliate of Deutsche Telekom AG.



Eventus runs not only on a native thick client, but also on a browser based thin client and three mobile platforms: it can be used on IOS, Android and Windows based phones.



Full range workflow and workforce management

Unlimited integration options

Wide range of customer notification

Sophisticated reporting and dashboard feature


Proven usability and experience

Eventus is used in Hungary and abroad as well

Trusted platform: crucial OSS and BSS business processes run on Eventus

Excellent financial indicators: quick return of investment, low cost of ownership


Scalable architecture, multiple client platform

In-built workflow designer GUI

Hierarchical structure, wide range of protocols supported

Unified application server management (EASM)


Eventus can not only cater for the requirements of IT companies, it can also optimize the internal workflows and the workforce of any organization. Here are some examples:
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